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To explain the black treatment of rigid flange coupling

Black treatment of rigid flange coupling causes:

The blackening treatment of rigid flange coupling is the blackening that many people often talk about. In fact, this is to produce a layer of oxide film on the metal surface of the coupling transmission parts to isolate the air and achieve the purpose of rust prevention. This and compared to the surface of the paint rust - proof effect is better. Blackening is a common means of chemical surface treatment. The principle is to produce a layer of oxide film on the metal surface to isolate the air and achieve the purpose of rust prevention. When the appearance requirements are not high, blackening can be used. The surface of steel blackening is also called blue.

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Rigid flange coupling blackening treatment of different phenomena of different treatment methods:

Often use the user of rigid flange coupling in solving the coupling transmission blackening treatment, often use the method is some more traditional alkaline heating blackening and the occurrence of late room temperature blackening two. But the room temperature blackening process does not work well on mild steel. And some basic blackening, and the difference between one blackening and two blackening. The main components of the blackening liquid are sodium hydroxide and sodium nitrite. Blackening when the required temperature tolerance is larger, about 135 to 155 degrees can get a good surface, but it takes some time.

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To sum up:

In our actual operation, we need to pay attention to the quality of rust removal or oil removal before blackening of the workpiece of the rigid flange coupling, as well as passivation immersion after blackening. The quality of some blackening is often changed by these processes. The problems explained by the manufacturer hope to be helpful to you. If you buy coupling transmission parts in our factory, where do not understand, you can contact our manufacturer in time. We will try our best to solve the problem for you.