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Daily work of workshop production manager of diaphragm coupling manufacturer

1、 General

The manager of the production department is fully responsible for the management of the personnel, production, equipment and other work of the Department, make various production plans and arrangements according to the sales situation, go deep into the front line, investigate and study, save costs, ensure correctness, and lead the workers of the Department to complete the production tasks together.

2、 Administrative authority

According to the main intention:

1. Have on-site command and handling power over the activities of the personnel of the headquarters;

2. Have the decision-making power on production plan arrangement, organization, command and coordination;

3. Have the right to formulate various management systems of the Department.

4. Have the right to decide on the transfer, appointment, salary adjustment, reward or punishment of workers in the Department,

5. Have the right to dismiss or dismiss workers who disobey the work arrangement, are incompetent for their own work for a long time, and have poor labor discipline within the Department;

3、 Main responsibilities

(1) Confirm operation

1. Carry out production education and training for the workers of the Department to improve their work awareness and operation skills.

2. Strictly implement the production management system to ensure the normal operation of workers and equipment;

3. Strengthen the inspection and guidance of equipment operators, and prohibit illegal operations.

4. Carry out comprehensive and detailed inspection of all kinds of mechanical equipment and power supply and distribution facilities on a regular basis, and find and eliminate all hidden dangers in advance

Ensure the normal operation of equipment and facilities.

5. In case of an emergency, take decisive and effective measures, command and dispose in time, and report to the competent department in time,

Strive to reduce losses.

(2) Production work

1. Make production plan according to the sales situation, allocate work reasonably and improve work efficiency.

2. Hold regular production meetings to summarize the production situation.

3. Strengthen the implementation and supervision of the production plan, and deal with various problems in the production process in a timely manner,

4. Reasonably arrange the daily production work, and implement the whole process tracking and supervision of the production process of the workers in the Department.

(3) Production data summary and summary:

1. Supervise the data collection of delivery and return, and ensure that there is no error in delivery and return;

2. Count the piece production data of workers every day, analyze and summarize them in time, and further guide the production work.

3. Statistics and analysis of various consumption in production, such as labor cost, repair cost, electricity cost, etc., to effectively reduce consumption and control production cost consumption.

4. Assist the warehouse keeper to check the inventory regularly, so that the actual quantity is consistent with the book quantity.

(4) Daily work:

1. Strictly manage the personnel of the Department in accordance with the rules and regulations of the company.

2. Strengthen their own business learning and solve the technical problems in the production process in time;

3. Do a good job in the relationship between the production department and customers and other departments of the company.

4. Accurately convey and implement the instructions of the superior.

5. Strengthen communication with workers, actively help workers solve difficulties in production and life, and establish a good self-image.

8. Pay attention to the environmental order of the production site and create a good image for the company;

9. Assist other department managers to complete other tasks entrusted by the company's superiors.

4、 Work items of production manager

Things to do before work

1. Enter the factory 20 minutes (or more) in advance.

Adequate preparation will reduce the pressure of work, so that we can carry out our work all day in an orderly manner and improve the quality of our work every day. This is what every supervisor should do.

2. Check the environmental sanitation of the area under management.

A good working environment can bring us a happy mood, thus boosting staff morale. Therefore, you have to strongly ask everyone to do a good job on duty every day, so tracking the environmental sanitation status has become a part of the daily work of grass-roots managers. In fact, this inspection is exactly a review, because we have already done this inspection before the next shift.

3. Confirm whether the pre production preparation of the day is perfect.

This work is also a review. We have reconfirmed it before the next shift. The reason for this reconfirmation is that in the production line, our pre production preparation is too important. The pre production work is not fully prepared, and it is really nonsense to talk about production.

There are many preparations before production, including all the means of production required for the products to be produced. The means of production mentioned here not only refers to the equipment, raw and auxiliary materials and documents required for production, but also includes our understanding of the products to be produced. For example, the key points and difficulties of the product and the arrangement of processes and processes, etc. In a word, production efficiency is closely related to our pre production preparation. Without good pre production preparation, even the most productive production line will not have good production efficiency. Therefore, before manufacturing, the understanding of the products to be produced and all the production materials required cannot be sloppy at all.

4. Reconfirm the goals and work plan of the day.

The daily goal is calculated according to the production cycle time of the product when we make the monthly production plan. The set goal cannot be changed casually, so in the production process, we should update our work plan at any time according to different factors such as input man hours. Ensure that the goals are achieved on time and with quality. Therefore, it is very important to review the daily work plan.

Things to do immediately after work

1. The thing to do after work every day is to arrange an appropriate time to hold the morning meeting.

Contents of the morning call:

A. Confirm whether there are absentees.

B. Confirm the accuracy of the work plan made the day before yesterday immediately and quickly according to the actual personnel and everyone's morale, and inform all employees of the work objectives of the day and the new work plan.

C. Yesterday's production status.

D. Convey superior instructions.

The time of the morning call can't be too long, but it can't be avoided. It plays a connecting role in our work. In the meeting, we will immediately know the attendance status of all personnel on the day and everyone's morale, confirm the accuracy of the work plan and arrangement made the day before yesterday, and whether it needs to be changed. It is of great benefit to the work of the day. The meeting should be concise and to the point, focusing on the key points.

Things to do at work

1. Track to see if all employees work according to standards.

In manufacturing, more than 95% of industrial injuries are caused by non-standard operation. Therefore, standardized operation is not only the guarantee of smooth production and product quality, but also the personal guarantee of employees. Only in this way can the interests of employees and the company be guaranteed.

2. Check whether the process arrangement is balanced at any time.

The balance of working hours in each process is a more important link in the production process. If the process imbalance leads to the stagnation of the assembly line, it is necessary to find out the cause and immediately adjust its process. (the reasons are nothing more than the evaluation of working hours, employees' own skills, emotional problems and equipment problems.)

The so-called assembly line is like water, which flows continuously and evenly. The sluggishness of a process will affect the operation of the whole production line, and the production capacity of the day will be affected. If the cycle time of the current flow has exceeded the standard cycle time of the evaluation, the gap between us and the target will increase in proportion to the exceeded cycle time. So when making the daily goal plan, we calculate it with 90% efficiency. (except under special circumstances) otherwise, we cannot ensure the delivery date of the order.

3. Track defective products at any time and investigate and deal with them immediately.

Quality is the foundation of an enterprise's survival, which has become the culture of almost all enterprises. So quality is the foundation of the production line. We should do a very small range of bad. As long as any product is reworked, its accuracy is not as good as that of a qualified product. At the same time, the defective rate is also an important factor to determine whether we achieve the target plan. When we find defective products, we should immediately find out the causes and immediately improve them. The causes of defective products are no more than the following:

Machine failure.

Quality problems of raw and auxiliary materials.

Employee skills.

Unexpected factors.

The problem of employee skills here does not just refer to technology. It mainly refers to the concept of employees. If our employees have a strong sense of quality, they should first conduct self-examination after the completion of each process, and those who are qualified will flow down, and those who are unqualified will be reworked or destroyed immediately. In this way, our defect rate is very low. At the same time, several other reasons have been dealt with one after another.

4. Be ready at any time (at least 2 hours, according to the whole operation of the factory.) Required means of production.

With the continuous production of the production line, the raw and auxiliary materials we prepare are gradually reduced, so we should prepare for the next period of production at any time while we are producing, so that the production line can continue to produce. Under normal circumstances, materials with a production capacity of at least 2 hours need to be prepared.

Things to do before work

1. Check the sanitation and precautions in the area under your jurisdiction.

I talked about the importance of a clean and comfortable environment, as well as the hygiene and precautions in the area under my jurisdiction before going to work. Check the work of the student on duty on that day before leaving work every day, and check whether the environment is clean and tidy, whether the power supply is disconnected and other precautions. This is the condition of being a supervisor. We should track and inspect the relevant work within our jurisdiction in time, and strive to find problems early, so as to cause losses in a small range.

2. Check the compliance of the work on that day.

The standard status of the day's work should be accurately controlled before leaving work. Although we are tracking the whole compliance status at any time at work, most of the results we control at work are only a rough idea, not very accurate. Managers should be particularly sensitive to data, not just a rough idea. Only after reconfirmation can we accurately control the compliance status, accurately calculate the distance from the target plan, and highly ensure the delivery time. At the same time, only in the morning meeting can we convey the accurate data to each employee, so that everyone can control the progress and the distance from the target at any time, which is beneficial to production.

3. Check whether the preparation for the next day's production is perfect.

We are preparing for tomorrow's work at work, but we need to confirm it again before leaving work. The importance of pre preparation and reconfirmation of work has been mentioned before, so there is no need to mention it again.

4. Review whether all work arrangements and decisions made on that day are correct.

At the production site, many decisions are temporary decisions, and we don't have enough time to think about them repeatedly. Sometimes we make decisions that are not very ideal or even wrong because of our physical strength and experience. Therefore, it is very important to review whether all the work arrangements and decisions made on that day are correct and appropriate. For the inadequacies found, explain the reasons to the parties or relevant personnel at the church meeting tomorrow morning and strive for consensus and understanding between both parties. If people from other units or departments are involved, they should find ways to explain to them in the early hours or "special time", so as to unite everyone and improve their cohesion and their own influence and management ability.

5、 Let's talk about what the production manager did.

1、 The production manager should do a good job in the preparation of the management body of the Department. Whether it is responsible to people, or one-stop, professional management, or zoning management, we should formulate an appropriate management mode according to our own management concept and the characteristics of the site itself. I think this work is not done by the project manager, but by the production manager, because the construction personnel below directly have the production manager. The production manager should have a good understanding of the characteristics of each of the following constructors and give full play to their strengths.

2、 The production manager should be quite familiar with the schedule. Whether the construction nodes and relevant schedules arranged by the project manager can be implemented depends on the organization and arrangement ability of the production manager. Therefore, people, materials, machines, materials and environment should be organized according to the relevant schedule. These five factors should be prepared in advance, and we should not remember that the preparation work has not been done well until the time comes. For problems that cannot be solved, we should report them in time, and the project manager should coordinate them, rather than the project manager should do it directly.

3、 Be familiar with the drawings and relevant technical schemes carefully, hold the mutual logical relationship of each process, and when to insert what kind of work. These things should be engraved in your mind, so that the production manager can play the role of threading. If there are many things inserted in time, there will be less work and less materials. For example, there is an expansion belt on the large base plate of the foundation, and steel wire mesh needs to be bound on both sides of the expansion, This steel mesh is to tie the steel mesh by dropping the steel bar from the middle section after the steel bar is bound, or to insert it in the process of binding the steel bar.... Like the above figure, you should also know the problem of the production manager

4、 The production manager should have a high professional quality. In the whole production process, most things are directly in the charge of the production manager. The quality of the whole depends on the degree of management of the whole on-site management personnel, rather than the quality supervisor who finds problems and changes them completely. Therefore, all products can be qualified as soon as they are launched, which not only improves the production efficiency, but also reduces the cost.

In a word, doing a good job in the workshop and being a good workshop production manager is a knowledge that needs to be done with heart. As the saying goes, "if you are serious, you can only do things right; if you are careful, you can do your work well". As a workshop production manager, if you work hard, you can only barely complete the task. If you work hard, you can overcome the difficulties in your work, live up to expectations, and create a Xintiandi for workshop work